Happiness Coach My Name is Cynthia Ann Richesse also called 'Happy Mama'. I believe in good energy. High vibrations!. Many years of rebelling against situations that make me unhappy have led me to create a life that is vibrant and lively. Yes! We can all attain happy lives. The higher you vibrate, the more you attract good things in your life. It works! About myself. By the age of thirty three, I had married twice, divorced twice and was a single mum of three children living in a council flat in South London. With little or no support, I soon realised that unless I forged my way to a happy life, I was going to be a very miserable person and bring up children that were going to be the same. I was going through it all: depression, rejection, sadness, anxiety, low self esteem and all the low emotions you can mention. Lets not even discuss the effects the huge amount of debt I had amassed was having on me. I choose to accept what life had dealt me and turn...